Art Galleries Hold Our Stories

Art Galleries hold our stories.

There is a profound need for humanity to be remembered. To declare that we have walked this earth and in some way left our mark for others to know we have lived.

The Polygon Gallery, North Vancouver

Every village, hamlet, town and city has set aside a room, house, building to exhibit art in the form of paintings, sculptures, crafts, watercolours, books, photographs. We want to preserve our way of thinking and being. Art galleries serve as a repository of our society’s “collective memory.”

The Polygon Gallery, North Vancouver

Over the years (actually centuries) there have been huge debates on the merits of artistic expression. Every generation has a way of seeing the world through fresh eyes, influenced by the forces of technology, political climate, sacred beliefs and cultural values. Art galleries are influenced by who we are, what we believe, and how we participate within a wider global community.

The Polygon Gallery, North Vancouver

When you visit an art gallery, be prepared to engage and be challenged. You may not appreciate or “like” a specific artwork, but you must recognize that every creative endeavour is a signature of a specific time, place, experience. Those who refused to accept Monet, Van Gogh, Klimpt serve as a cautionary tale – not because they disliked the work, but because they were unwilling to listen to voices that expressed an evolving and innovating art movement.

Henri Matisse said that “Creativity takes courage.” Most assume that Matisse was speaking to the artistic community. I believe that he was directing that statement to us all.

Published by Rebecca Budd

Blogger, Visual Storyteller, Podcaster, Traveler and Life-long Learner

14 thoughts on “Art Galleries Hold Our Stories

  1. Nice arguments and beautiful location as new art-gallery for this now operating room of The Polygon Gallery North Vancouver as unusual to engagage and be challenge integrating in its own framework and conception to preserve ostensible goals also as a wider global community. The art-world life style pursued in a kind of soft pictures that have water or watercolors like lakes or rivers or the sea for discovering new art either through lots of favorite artists or expressing for amazing and confortable dialog in revisiting personal times just over touching friendship and special relationships pretty fresh as the courage Matisse said. All my best wishes, you have a greeting or goodwill sharing reasons behind its walls on the delivery room and its insights.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I am delighted that you joined and added depth and breadth to the conversation, Oliver. Yes, I so agree with you! Art galleries have a way of bringing us together within community, even as these spaces allow us moments for reflection on our personal journeys. I look forward to our ongoing dialogue. Thank you for you comments – very much appreciated.


  2. Rebeccca, I enjoyed seeing a snippet of the Polygon! Very sleek, spacious and light. I wondered if the blue seats were part of the exhibition or for actual visitors!? Museums are so important for us to appreciate our history, art in all its forms … small ones based in local towns are always a treasure trove of information. I love the quote by Matisse, May courage never fail us! Also I’ve the Merton quote in the above comment! Hugs, my friend! Xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The blue seats are for actual visitors. But like you, I believe that they are works of art. I was afraid to sit on them at first, but when I did, I found that they were remarkably comfortable. Elegance and comfort – that is a testament to the endurance of creative endeavours. I was so pleased that Liz mentioned the Merton quote – one of my favourites. I share your thoughts on courage. Every time we write, take a photo, create music, we exemplify courage.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Wie gut, Ernst! Ich stimme zu. Wir brauchen Kunst, um uns Mut, Hoffnung, Freude zu geben. Kunst erlaubt uns, tiefer in die menschliche Erfahrung zu blicken.


  3. Where would we be without those marvellous art spaces in which to breathe a different breath, exploring ourselves and how we connect with others. This is a beautiful post, Becky, thank you so much. “Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time.” – Thomas Merton

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh Liz – that is one of my most favorite quotes. In one sentence – 13 words – Thomas Merton captures the essence of our requirement for a creative experience. I am enjoying your 100 days of creativity. I hope that you continue beyond 100 days. Your posts are truly remarkable.

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    1. I agree wholeheartedly, Gallivanta! Artistic endeavours are so easily destroyed. I often think of the library of Alexandria and the loss of knowledge and wisdom. I love the quote by Maxine Hong Kingston: “In a time of destruction, create something.” May we take up that challenge with enthusiasm.

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  4. This is an amazing view of art (love the photos) and its value through time. We have a new group of artists of various talents and forms. We are fortunate to be able to enjoy them.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I agree – we have so many talented artists, writers, storytellers, musicians and the list goes on. So glad that you liked the photos. This is an amazing gallery.


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