Christmas in France with Marcel Rieder

Marcel Rieder à l’atelier (Public Domain)

We have come to France to meet up with Marcel Rieder who lived from 1862 -1942.  The young woman decorating the tree is surrounded by a soft, gentle light that emanates from the lamp.  Marcel Reider was fascinated by lighting and created intimate outdoor and interior paintings using lamps and sunsets. He was influenced by the Symbolism movement of the late nineteenth century that looked to poetry and other arts for inspiration.  His famous painting, Dante pleurant Béatrice (Dante weeping for Beatrice), is  now in the Musée de Mulhouse.  I’ll save that painting for another post

A young woman decorates the Christmas tree, painting by Marcel Rieder (1862–1942) from 1898 (Public Domain)

Published by Rebecca Budd

Blogger, Visual Storyteller, Podcaster, Traveler and Life-long Learner

8 thoughts on “Christmas in France with Marcel Rieder

    1. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I was amazed the the number of Christmas Tree paintings (there were many more besides the ones I featured on these posts). What I most enjoyed about this project is that I learned about artists that I have never heard about. I am working on a “winter” scene project for January and February. Again – so many many artists that I have never heard of before. When we chaseART, it is always an adventure into the unknown. Hugs!!!

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