Celebrating International Cat Day

There are two means of refuge from the misery of life — music and cats.” Albert Schweitzer

I am celebrating International Cat Day, which is marked every September 8th since 2002 when it was created by the International Fund for Animal Welfare. If you ask any cat, they will tell you that every day in their day. Just ask James Herriot who once remarked, “Cats are connoisseurs of comfort.”

AMERICAN 19TH CENTURY Cat and Kittens, c. 1872/1883 National Art Gallery

I believe that cats choose us and that serendipity brings us together. While cats appear aloof, they show their love by commandeering our chairs, laying on our computer tables, purring at unexpected times. I agree with Charles Dickens when he wrote, “What greater gift than the love of a cat.”

Above all, cats speak (or meow) their truth. Ernest Hemingway said it best, “A cat has absolute emotional honesty: human beings, for one reason or another, may hide their feelings, but a cat does not.” Now that is someone who understands the psychology of cats!

“The smallest feline is a masterpiece,” according to Leonardo da Vinci. And who can argue with him!

Happy International Cat Day!

Published by Rebecca Budd

Blogger, Visual Storyteller, Podcaster, Traveler and Life-long Learner

20 thoughts on “Celebrating International Cat Day

  1. Everything to love about this post – the ravishing painting, your words, and the comments – irresistible…
    My very first blog in May 2012 was about my cat… she ran away from home, and though I kept trying to return her to her angry owner, she wouldn’t take no for an answer and always came back within a few minutes. I adored her. As you say, cats stay around… I still miss her…I totally agree with you and have very strong doubts that we are the most advanced creature who walks this earth… other creatures are far more capable of giving unconditional love than most of us…

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  2. Thanks for this wonderful post, Rebecca, I’m surrounded by cats everyday. I often do silly things that cat owners do: like asking them a question, and then expecting an answer! Agree with everybody – they make great companions. 🙂

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    1. I am delighted that you stopped by. I have often thought that humans are not the most advanced creatures that walks, flies or crawls this earth. My first cat was a Siamese that I called Samwise. (I was reading J.R.R. Tolkien’s LOTR at the time). Samwise and I were inseparable. We had great conversations. She listened attentively to all I said and responded with much purring. She passed many years ago, but I still miss her and all the wonderful moments that we had together.


  3. Thank you for sharing this article. I really enjoy cats and once in a while a story about cats comes on my Facebook and I enjoy the story. I remember our lovable cat in Lynn Lake and i remember the joy that little one brought to each of us. Animals are fun and really demand nothing! ! Very wonderful gifts to enjoy! ! !

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    1. Dear little Samwise, our Siamese cat- so brave and loyal. I miss her deeply, even decades after her passing. And Whiskers who had beautiful way of purring whenever we came near her. And then there was Beauty, our tiny poodle who always knew how to take care of us. Big hearts. They gave joy to our days.


  4. Over my lifetime, I’ve had ten dogs and eight cats, but would be hard pressed to choose any one over any of the others, although dogs are certainly more expressive.

    Virtual hugs,


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    1. Oh Judie – so many wonderful memories to look back upon. Cats and dogs offer friendship and companionship. I agree dogs are expressive, while cats have an aloof graciousness. There is genuine affection in our pets and we come to see them as being part of our families. We walk this earth with remarkable creatures who seem to understand our language better than we do theirs. Virtual hugs coming back your way.

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  5. I love cats, and I love this post, Rebecca!

    Mark Twain was another cat-adoring author, and once said: “When a man loves cats, I am his friend and comrade, without further introduction.” I assume he thought the same about women who love cats. 🙂

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    1. I was thinking of Misty when I wrote this post. I look forward to your daily posts and I have adopted him from a distance. Cats take us along on their adventures, leading the way, giving us permission to share our lives with them – not the other way around. Mark Twain was brilliant – thoughts in concise sentences – and he loved cats. He is our friend.


  6. Every day indeed, just ask any cat or ‘owner’ for that matter! After just now reading Elisabeth van der Meer’s post about dogs, I really miss not being able to have a pet where I live. But I do get to enjoy those our family cares for. They don’t mind sharing 🙂 Hugs!!

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    1. We live in a place that doesn’t allow dogs or cats either. So I head done to Charleson Park off-leash area a which is a great place to meet four legged friends. They have enough love for everyone. There are a couple of cats that come to visit when I sit reading at a bench positioned along the Vancouver Seawall. They know more about us than we do about them. I have often wondered if we are indeed the most advanced creature that walks this earth. Hugs come back!!!

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