Following the Bagpipes…

Scottish HighlandsI have been in the Scottish Highlands for the past few weeks following the call of the bagpipes.   Bagpipes and the Highlands appeal to our longing for open spaces where the abundance of purple heather grows generously in the moorland, glens and hills.  Above it all, the lone bagpiper can be heard from far away reminding us of a time long ago.

Robert Louis Stevenson once wrote, “The mark of a Scot of all classes [is that] he … remembers and cherishes the memory of his forebears, good or bad; and there burns alive in him a sense of identity with the dead even to the twentieth generation.”  Perhaps he is right.  Scotland Homecoming 2014 welcomed Scots from all over the world to celebrate all things Scottish.   The festivities were still in full swing when we left.

The stories are held in the music, art and literature.  So I’ll be following the bagpipes in the next series of post.

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Published by Rebecca Budd

Blogger, Visual Storyteller, Podcaster, Traveler and Life-long Learner

45 thoughts on “Following the Bagpipes…

    1. Vielen, vielen Dank für Ihre Kommentare und Besuche. Ich liebe die Schottische Dudelsäcke. Für mich sind die Dudelsäcke Ausgestaltung der schottischen Highlands. Es hat Spaß gemacht, sie im vergangenen Sommer zu folgen.


  1. Dear Rebecca, I see that I’m somewhat late for this post about Scottland, which I love. I also it’s very important what Robert Louis Stevenson said that we should not forget the past, neither in the positive nor in the negative, because, where otherwise should we learn from!


    1. What I am finding is that it is never too late to begin or continue a conversation. I agree wholeheartedly about seeing our past in a way that brings relevance to who we are in the present. It is the act of embracing all of our experiences and using them as guideposts. Thank you for your comments – very much appreciated. 🙂


  2. Hi Lady Budd: I finally re-found you! I am hibernating and thought you were too. I am now catching up. I have signed up for a trip to Scotland in May/June. Love to read all your Scotland posts!

    Did you just “discover” my Turkey blog? Thanks.

    I did follow all your blogs but none of the new posts came under my reader. Love to re-connect again!



    1. I just discovered your Turkey Blog!!! You have great photos and wonderful detail. I am so excited to hear that you have signed up for a trip to Scotland in May/June. A perfect time to visit. Looking forward to hearing about your adventures. Happy St. Andrews Day! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Hi Rebecca! I have a question. My parents are going to the Galapagos Islands this Spring, and I want to offer them a book set there or about it for Christmas. with your extensive reading knowledge, I thought you might have come across one. Any ideas? Hope all is well, Letizia
    p.s. My mother reads my blog and the comments on it so don’t mention this on my blog, haha!


    1. How exciting!!! Your parents are going to have the most amazing adventure! I have never been there myself, but from what I understand and read (mainly via National Geographic) whoever visits will be forever changed. Have a wonderful evening. Sunshine in Vancouver for the next few days. Enjoying my walks in the sunshine. Hugs coming your way…


  4. I loved seeing all of your photos – thank you for sharing them! Scotland is one of my favorite countries – I want to return! I love the photos you took of the scenic landscapes – it’s so particular to there. And also of the thatched houses. Looking forward to more posts 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  5. All that green! Looking forward to hearing about your musical adventure.

    I noticed your photo blog is on Blogspot. I subscribed by email, so we’ll see if they’re more reliable than WP. I want to let you know that I deleted my Bloglovin account, because I found it a waste of time for writing-oriented blogs.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I agree that bloglovin is well suited to certain types of blogs. I opened my account a couple of years ago to check out the content (one of my mini research projects). It is an excellent blog organizer because you can follow blogs even though they may not be registered with bloglovin. And it alerts you to new posts. The bottom line issue, however, remains the same: the individual purpose for blogging. This is something that I am looking at closely, especially given the amount of posts that speak to how to increase your blog audience. Blogging to me is more about connections, shared experiences, thoughtful dialogue. Those are the things that I find when I come to your blog. I always come away refreshed, inspired or challenged to think differently. 🙂


    1. You live in an extraordinary country!! Watch for my e-mail. One of the reasons for the Scotland trip was to attend the Argyllshire Gathering at Oban to attend the Piobaireachd competitions. There is so much history in this music. Before the pipes, this music was played on the wire-strung Gaelic harp and later on the Scottish fiddle.


  6. Glad to have you home again so that we can follow the bagpipes with you. 🙂 The quote from Robert Louis Stevenson gives me a shiver down my spine; it’s so true. I have mixed feelings about the Scottish referendum but, part of me says, ‘if you do become independent, would you let me have a Scottish passport, just for old times’ sake?” 😀


    1. We met Robert Louis Stevenson in the most interesting places (more to come). I am following the Scottish referendum closely. There was a good deal of thoughtful dialogue going on when we were there. So much history in every turn in the road. Great to be back and catching up with all of your wonderful posts.


      1. What I like best of blogging is that I get to relive the events all over again. There is so much to take in the first time around that it’s impossible to integrate all of the stories. By the way, I love your new Gravatar! 🙂


  7. I just popped over to check out your other blog. I clicked on “North Wales” only to find lovely pics of Conwy. Great castle….it is actually where I met my husband. Thank you for sharing your images. It was nice to see the castle again.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. How very, very exciting! There is always a story to be found in a castle. Thank you for sharing yours. Wales is extraordinary for its beauty, art, history, poetry. I felt like I was coming home.

      “Cymru AM byth (Wales forever)”
      Aeneas Middleton


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