“Louveciennes in the Snow” by Alfred Sisley

‘Louveciennes in the Snow’ by Alfred Sisley The painting ‘Louveciennes in the Snow’, by the renowned Impressionist painter Alfred Sisley, is a serene winter landscape. The painting depicts a small village in the French countryside, blanketed with a thick layer of snow. Surrounded by trees and hills, with a gray sky and a few patchesContinue reading ““Louveciennes in the Snow” by Alfred Sisley”

Winter’s Last Song

Spring has come with the confidence of youth, waking a sleeping earth with warmth and a gentle rain. Deep within the soil, seeds and bulbs felt the energy of a new season and responded with bursts of colour, transforming the landscape. First came the crocuses, daffodils and snowdrops, then the tulips, and now the cherryContinue reading “Winter’s Last Song”

Winter with Thomas Heeremans

Spring has come, even though the nights are chillier than usual for Vancouver. My family in Alberta reported a snowfall with minus zero temperatures. So, in keeping with the lingering winter, here is Thomas Heeremans, a Dutch painter and art dealer, who lived from 1641-1694 I searched the internet and brought out all of myContinue reading “Winter with Thomas Heeremans”